Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Shark Attack Real or Fake?

Here are 11 of the best photo shops you may have ever seen! These popular photo-shops took the internet by storm over the last few years fooling tons of people from all over the world.

11 Photo-shops That Will Fool You

Shark Attack Real or Fake?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

World's Worst Plague

This plague wiped out a third of the human population in the 1300s. It’s also known as the black death, and here’s what you need to know if you’re ever infected by it.

The Worst Plague in History

The bubonic plague, or black death, is a disease transmitted to humans by fleas and rodents or rats carrying the infection. It was responsible for about 25 million deaths in Europe during the 14th century, or 30-60% of the European population at the time. The most recent outbreak occurred in mid-19th century Asia where it killed over 12.5 million people in India & China alone.

Where is it located?

The black death can be found everywhere throughout the world due to widespread infestation from rodents and fleas. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease was considered active until 1959, when worldwide casualties dropped to 200 deaths per year. But, a plague outbreak occurred in 1994 in five Indian states that led to 700 infections and 52 deaths, so the possibility of infection still remains.

How will it kill you?

Bubonic plague is an infection of the lymphatic system–or lymphadenitis. When you’re infected, the bacteria localizes in an inflamed lymph node, where it begins to colonize and reproduce. It then leads to symptoms such as painful swelling throughout the body, known as buboes, which are pictured here. The buboes quickly multiply and can hemorrhage and become necrotic (necrosis), resulting in the premature death of cells. According to the History Channel documentary, if left untreated death usually occurs within four days of infection.


How to survive:

In the medieval times, towns would hire special medical physicians called “plague doctors” to treat the town’s victims. These special doctors wore long, beak-like masks filled with aromatic items to protect themselves from the putrid air while they were treating their patients. Nowadays, treatment includes the use of these antibiotics, along with administering intravenous fluids, oxygen, and respiratory support. Promptly treating infections drops the mortality rate to about 1-15%, while untreated cases have a death rate of 40-60%.

So which country used the bubonic plague as a bacteriological weapon in its wars?

In the 1940s during the Second Sino-Japanese War, Japan air-dropped bombs on China that contained plague-contaminated fleas. These caused major epidemic plague outbreaks in China.

World's Worst Plague

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Telepathic Children Discovered

Although uncommon, it’s not new for there to be stories of autistic children demonstrating unusual powers of the mind.

Such as playing unfamiliar Mozart concertos perfectly on a piano, instantly solving near impossible mathematical riddles, or displaying seemingly superhuman hearing or other heightened senses, and even in some rare cases a heightened sixth sense, also known as extra sensory perseption, or telepathy.

Telepathic Children

Recently however, Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, author of The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena, has repeatedly demonstrated telepathic mind reading, in closely supervised scientific case studies of severly austic children, with amazingly accurate results.

In this example, the allegedly telepathic autistic child on the left has been asked to read the mind of the therapist on the right.

They are separated by a divider screen to eliminate any possibilty of peeking or cheating, and monitired by several cameras. As the the therapist concentrates on each individual digit of a randomized numeric formula, she offers a representing cue card to the autistic child, who selects the appropriate digit with her pencil with one hand, and then taps it onto a computer with the other.


  • The telepathic consistently scores over 90% accuracy when tested with 10 other equations in this same session. And in this case correctly identifies all 18 digits with 100% accuracy.

  • It’s reasoned that in severe cases, it’s possible for a non verbal autistic child’s mind might actually adapt to their isolated condition and develop their own unique way of interpreting and reacting to their environment.

  • Though the study has been conducted successfully several times the mechanism is still a mystery.

  • We all have intuitive moments that most of us chalk up to coincidence, and there are some people that have special connections between them like twins or mothers their babies.

  • Several nursing mothers have reported a feeling that their babies needed them followed by spontaneous lactating, while they were apart.

  • After a phone call home they are told the baby had just woken ready to be feed. Even those not on a regular nursing schedule.

  • Studies show that kids are more intuitive until the stresses of day to day life requires them to spend more time in their left brain, which is where most adults live and it’s the speech hemisphere of the brain.

  • But that’s intuition; telepathy, or mind to mind communication is a whole other level.

  • 10% of autistics have some form of savant skills that gives them the ability to access unique abilities of the brain, think rainman.

  • Most of these abilities are right brain activities like music, art, or math which is important because the right brain is the intuitive part of the brain

  • Shutting down one section of the mind seem to open pathways to these latent abilities which seem almost superhuman to the rest of us

  • The theory is that non-verbal autistics can access a part of the brain that allows for telepathy.

  • Its hypothesized that we all have the skills of savants but that they’re dormant because of the dominance of the left hemisphere in most individuals, especially adults.

  • Savants operate by directly accessing low-level, less-processed information that exists in all our brains but not normally available to conscious awareness.

  • If true, it’s very possible that we all could have the potential to be telepathic also.

  • Could it be that telepathic communication is a glimpse of humankind’s evolution? And if so what other changes are in store for future human evolution.

Telepathic Children Discovered

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Giant Killer Catfish

Did you know that there is a giant catfish that has a reputation for eating humans?

Monster Killer Catfish

Meet the Goonch Catfish, also known as The Giant Devil Catfish, due to its huge size and its fearsome reputation as a stone-cold maneater.

This freshwater behemoth is believed to be responsible for a string of human deaths, including a small boy, a 17 year old youth, and an 18 year old man along the Kali River in India and Nepal over the past 17 years.

Locals have even reported that these vicious monsters have also killed full grown cattle.

In all these cases, eye witnesses watched helplessly as the hapless victims were dragged underwater, and their corpses were never found.


Locals believe the these widemouthed marauders have developed a taste for human flesh over years of feeding on human remains dumped in the river after traditional Hindu funeral ceremonies.

Some believe that due to this rich diet of wholesome human meat, a number of Goonch Catfish in these areas have grown much larger than the typical 6 feet in length and 200 pound girth.

In the Jamuna River in Bangladesh, local fishermen caught a Goonch catfish weighing in at 230 pounds which is the largest ever reported.


But legend has it that they can become much bigger still…

With a mouth measuring over 2 feet across, full of dangerous razor sharp teeth, it’s easy to imagine how this aquatic beast, with its 230 pounds of prehistoric river-swimming muscle could easily pull a man to his untimely death.

Fossil records indicate that the Goonch catfish has been patrolling the murky depths of south asia’s rivers for the better part of 50 million years, but is now considered to be an endangered species.

Locals in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal consider them a dangerous nuisance, and will kill on site them with spears, electricity, or even dynamite at any given opportunity.

This relentless campaign of fishy death has driven the Goonch to the edge of extinction.

In spite of this, if any of you ever find yourself standing on the muddy banks of the Kali river, thinking of taking a dip, and the half burned human remains floating by aren’t enough to dissuade you, maybe the threat of a 200 pound Goonch Catfish clamping his massive jaws around one of your pink fleshy legs and dragging you into the depths will be…

Giant Killer Catfish

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

History's Worst Shark Attacks

Every year swimmers, surfers, and beach goers are attacked by deadly sharks and some are fortunate enough to live to tell the tale. These are 5 memorable shark attack victims that can be considered the worst attacks in history.

Worst Shark Attacks in History

History's Worst Shark Attacks

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A New Short Film - The Monday After

Here is a new short film I recently appeared in. Much different trying to act on camera vs just talking about animals in front of a green screen by yourself. This was a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to future projects like this one.

Urban Legends – Web Series – S01 E01

A New Short Film - The Monday After